How to buy apartments in georgia remotely? How to buy apartments in georgia remotely?
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How to buy apartments in georgia remotely?

Step-by-step instructions for buying apartments:

  1. Consultation of the sales manager
  2. Selection of apartments according to the parameters of the request
  3. Familiarization with the sale-purchase agreement of apartments and all documents of the construction company
  4. Two-way signing of the the sale-purchase agreement of apartments remotely (the signed document is scanned and sent to the post office of the construction company)
  5. Accrual of the amount according to the sale-purchase agreement to the settlement Account of the construction company
  6. Registration in the Public Service Hall of Georgia
  7. Receipt of an extract for the right to ownership is carried out on the website of the state register (an extract in electronic format is sent to the buyer's mail)

To register the right to ownership in the Public Service Hall of Georgia, you will be required to:

Power of attorney for registration in the Public Service Hall of immovable property (power of attorney is issued in the name of the company's lawyer, or your representative, if any. 

Notarized translation of power of attorney into Georgian).

Example of power of attorney from an Israeli citizen

How to independently check an extract for the right to ownership on the state website?

Open the website of the state register of Georgia

Click the area highlighted in red.

In the opened window we select window with magnifying glass: Address of this page


Tip: You can use Google Translate, online if you want the text to appear in your language.

In the open window, write  the cadastral code of real estate. You copy the number code from an extract that will be sent to you by mail (after registration).

The address of this page is

Click on the highlighted red window to see an extract  for the right to ownership and download it!